Make Your Own Meme Contest: Win Two Tickets to Thin Edge Collective's Concert This Thursday in Toronto

One of Toronto's newest and hottest contemporary music ensembles is Thin Edge New Music Collective, featuring pianist Cheryl Duvall, violinist Ilana Waniuk, percusionist Olaf Szester, and flutist Sarah Yunji Moon. Before they embark on a busy touring season, you can catch them 8pm Thursday at Gallery 345 in Free Form Constructs, a program of works with saxophonist and composer Jason Sharp looking at "the relationship of form, structure, and improvisation in contemporary Canadian music."

Tickets for this program of works by Jason Sharp, Fjola Evans, Anna Hostman, and Claude Vivier will be $20 and $15 for arts workers, students and seniors.

Unless you happen to be the lucky winner of the latest Collaborative Piano Blog free ticket contest.....

Yes, Thin Edge's own Cheryl Duvall will be judging entries in order to award a prize of two free tickets to Thursday night's concert.

Here's how to enter:

1. Submit a jpeg of your favorite music-themed meme. Think piano, classical music, new music, composers, or weird/awkward situations in the music world. Think Socially Awkward Penguin, Bad Luck Brian, Good Guy Greg, Scumbag Steve, or Sudden Clarity Clarence. Once you have your meme figured out, use Quickmeme or Photoshop to insert text onto your favorite traditional or unique meme picture.
2. Send your completed meme to collaborative piano [at] gmail dot com.
3. Only one entry per person will be allowed.
4. Entries will close at 12pm on Wednesday, November 21.
5. I'll send the entries off to Cheryl, who will notify me of the winning entry by Wednesday late afternoon. After that I'll notify the winner, who will receive two free tickets when they show up at the door of Gallery 345 on Thursday evening.

All entries will be posted in the coming weeks! Good luck everyone!

Here's Cheryl playing the last few minutes of Gordon Monahan's Piano Mechanics at Nuit Blanche earlier this fall:

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