Friday Links - 1 March 2013

Worms pianoHere are some links from around the blogosphere that might be of interest to musical folks. I would like to make a regular feature of these weekly links, so if you have any blog posts or other interesting articles to share, email me and I'll see if I can include them in the next instalment.

1. Matthew Guerrieri's remembrance of Van Cliburn.
2. Great article for home studio teachers: Dave Caolo on being productive and organized from home
3. Bryan Townsend on musicians and self-criticism.
4. Going to the Met next season? Some ticket prices are going down.
5. Yiyi Ku writes about the role of parents in music lessons.
6. Snowed in on a teaching day? Use Skype to teach lessons instead
7. Make your own whiteboard for music teaching. 
8. Want to enjoy music more when listening?. Work at it
9. Lynn Harrell writes about a 50-year relationship with his cello, soon coming to an end. 
10. Record keeping on Music Teacher's Helper - here are some ways to do it
12. Hanne Blank on being and unbeing a singer
13. Jason Yang and ensemble playing selections from Game of Thrones Season 2:

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