Friday Links - 8 March 2013

The latest fascinating links from press and blogosphere:

1. Yundi Li vs. Lang Lang. The rivalry isn't going away, even though it might be manufactured.
2. Meri Dolevski-Lewis writes about why cheap music lessons aren't good for anybody.
3. Those who have escaped from the gentle embrace of academia might find 52Tiger's links to a freelancing podcast series quite useful.
4. Color in my Piano looks at the studio management iPad app Moosic Studio, which may eventually give Music Teacher's Helper a run for its money.
5. Columbian harpsichordist Rafael Puyana has passed away.
6. Billie Whittaker digs up three collaborative piano job postings.
7. The final 30 pianists for the 14th Van Cliburn Competition have been chosen.
8. Holly Mulcahy writes about Imaginary Program Notes: What We Can Learn from Children.
9. Erik Joseph Campano's new blog about music theater piano playing looks to be a great resource in the blogosphere. I especially like his article on how to fake it if you're unprepared for rehearsal.
10. Emily Ann Peterson on practicing: don't break the chain.
11. The Sybaritic Singer looks at how to find a collaborative partner.

Finally, here are Tim Fain and Philip Glass playing Glass' Pendulum at the Temple of Dendur in the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

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