Electra Japanese-made copy of a Hagstrom II

Today I'm showing you this 1970s(?) Electra guitar just to prove that once upon a time it wasn't just the likes of Fender, Gibson and Rickenbacker that were being copied en masse by Far Eastern manufacturers*. It's a copy of one of Sweden's finest, the Hagstrom II. It seems quite unusual to see copies of European guitars, but of course guitars from Hofner, Vox and Burns have had their imitators over the years. This Electra Hagstrom II copy even features a replica of Hagstrom's "Tremar" vibrato arm - these days a replica would most likely feature generic hardware and you'd end up with a Strat-style trem irrespective of what the original was like.

Currently listed on eBay UK with a Buy It Now price of £350.

* OK, I'm generalising a little here, these days we have brands such as Eastwood and Pure Salem who are reissuing all sorts of cool designs, but the big distinction here is that these guitars are deliberately and joyfully retro. Back in the day when Electra copied Hagstrom, it was a copy of a then contemporary guitar. Just thought I ought to mention it before someone said "Hey, what about Eastwood?" in the comments!

G L Wilson

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