Kay Value Leader (very) short-scale bass

This Kay Value Leader bass has an ultra short-scale length; we're talking a guitar-like scale here. It also has an 18-fret neck and a single pickup in the neck position. It's not going to be the first choice of instrument for the modern bassist, but for that certain vintage sound...

With that guitar-like scale I'd be very tempted to tune it "baritone ukulele" style, D-G-B-E (low to high), making it a kind of baritone bass, I'd guess.

This rarer bass version of the Kay Value Leader guitar was made in Chicago circa 1960, and sports a sunburst lacquer finish, laminated maple body, maple neck, and still has its original two-tone chip board hard case.

Currently listed on eBay UK, with bidding currently at just over £100 at the time of writing. Auction ends this coming Saturday. [EDIT: sold for £460]

G L Wilson

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